Sex On The Beach Drink Recipe

Sex On The Beach Drink Recipe

Sex on the Beach Drink Belly Full
Sex on the Beach Drink Belly Full from


When it comes to beach vacations, nothing beats sipping on a refreshing cocktail while soaking up the sun. One of the most popular and iconic beach drinks is the Sex on the Beach. It's a fruity and tropical cocktail that's perfect for sipping on a hot day. In this blog post, we will be sharing with you the perfect Sex on the Beach drink recipe that you can make at home or on your next beach vacation.


For this recipe, you will need the following ingredients: - 2 oz vodka - 1 oz peach schnapps - 2 oz orange juice - 2 oz cranberry juice - Ice cubes - Orange slice and cherry for garnish


Here's how to make the perfect Sex on the Beach drink: 1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice cubes. 2. Pour in the vodka, peach schnapps, orange juice, and cranberry juice. 3. Close the shaker and shake it vigorously for about 10 seconds. 4. Fill a highball glass with ice cubes. 5. Strain the cocktail into the glass. 6. Garnish with an orange slice and cherry. 7. Serve and enjoy!


The Sex on the Beach drink is a sweet and fruity cocktail that's relatively low in calories. Here's the approximate nutritional information for this recipe: - Calories: 215 - Carbohydrates: 20g - Protein: 0g - Fat: 0g - Sodium: 4mg - Sugar: 17g It's important to note that the nutritional values may vary depending on the specific brands of alcohol and juice that you use.

Tips for Making the Perfect Sex on the Beach

If you want to make the perfect Sex on the Beach drink, here are some tips to keep in mind: - Use high-quality ingredients: The quality of your ingredients will greatly impact the taste of your cocktail. Make sure to use high-quality vodka, peach schnapps, and fruit juices for the best results. - Shake the cocktail vigorously: To get the perfect mix of flavors, it's important to shake the cocktail vigorously for at least 10 seconds. This will ensure that all the ingredients are well combined. - Use fresh fruit for garnish: Adding a slice of fresh orange and a cherry to your cocktail will not only make it look more appealing but will also add a burst of flavor to every sip. - Adjust the sweetness to your taste: If you prefer a sweeter cocktail, you can add a splash of grenadine syrup to the mix. Alternatively, if you want a less sweet cocktail, you can reduce the amount of peach schnapps or cranberry juice.


The Sex on the Beach drink is a classic beach cocktail that's perfect for sipping on a hot day. With this recipe, you can easily make it at home or impress your friends on your next beach vacation. Remember to use high-quality ingredients, shake the cocktail vigorously, and garnish with fresh fruit for the best results. Cheers to a refreshing and delicious Sex on the Beach!
The Infamous Brain Hemorrhage Drink Recipe

The Infamous Brain Hemorrhage Drink Recipe

Brain Hemorrhage Friday’s 5 o’clock Wet Your Whistle Call! Life of
Brain Hemorrhage Friday’s 5 o’clock Wet Your Whistle Call! Life of from


The Brain Hemorrhage Drink is a popular shot that has gained immense popularity in recent years. Its popularity is attributed to its unique appearance and the fact that it is relatively easy to prepare. This shot is a favorite among partygoers who are always on the lookout for something new and exciting to try. The drink has a distinctive look that resembles a brain hemorrhage, hence the name. If you are a fan of shots and are looking for something new and interesting to try, then the Brain Hemorrhage Drink is the perfect choice!


To make the Brain Hemorrhage Drink, you will need the following ingredients:
  • 1 oz Peach Schnapps
  • 1 tsp Bailey’s Irish Cream
  • 1/2 tsp Grenadine Syrup
  • 1/2 oz Blue Curacao
  • 1/2 oz Vodka

Peach Schnapps

Peach Schnapps is a sweet, peach-flavored liqueur that is commonly used in cocktails and shots. It is made from distilling fermented peaches and is usually clear in color. Peach Schnapps is an essential ingredient in the Brain Hemorrhage Drink as it provides the base for the shot.

Bailey’s Irish Cream

Bailey’s Irish Cream is a popular liqueur that is made with Irish whiskey and cream. It has a smooth, creamy texture and a sweet, vanilla flavor. In the Brain Hemorrhage Drink, it is used to create the distinctive "brain" effect.

Grenadine Syrup

Grenadine Syrup is a sweet, red syrup that is made from pomegranate juice and sugar. It is used in cocktails and shots to add a sweet, fruity flavor and a red color. In the Brain Hemorrhage Drink, it is used to create the "hemorrhage" effect.

Blue Curacao

Blue Curacao is a blue-colored liqueur that is made from the dried peels of the laraha citrus fruit. It has a sweet, orange flavor and is used in cocktails and shots to add a blue color and a sweet, fruity flavor.


Vodka is a clear, neutral-flavored spirit that is made from fermented grains and potatoes. It is commonly used in cocktails and shots as a base spirit.


To make the Brain Hemorrhage Drink, follow these simple steps:
  1. Pour 1 oz of Peach Schnapps into a shot glass.
  2. Add 1 tsp of Bailey’s Irish Cream on top of the Peach Schnapps.
  3. Add 1/2 tsp of Grenadine Syrup on top of the Bailey’s Irish Cream.
  4. Add 1/2 oz of Blue Curacao on top of the Grenadine Syrup.
  5. Add 1/2 oz of Vodka on top of the Blue Curacao.
  6. Serve and enjoy!

Step 1: Pour Peach Schnapps

The first step in making the Brain Hemorrhage Drink is to pour 1 oz of Peach Schnapps into a shot glass. This will form the base of the shot.

Step 2: Add Bailey’s Irish Cream

The second step is to add 1 tsp of Bailey’s Irish Cream on top of the Peach Schnapps. It is important to pour the Bailey’s Irish Cream slowly and gently onto the Peach Schnapps to create the distinctive "brain" effect.

Step 3: Add Grenadine Syrup

The third step is to add 1/2 tsp of Grenadine Syrup on top of the Bailey’s Irish Cream. The Grenadine Syrup will create the "hemorrhage" effect by sinking to the bottom of the shot glass.

Step 4: Add Blue Curacao

The fourth step is to add 1/2 oz of Blue Curacao on top of the Grenadine Syrup. The Blue Curacao will add a blue color to the shot and provide a sweet, fruity flavor.

Step 5: Add Vodka

The final step is to add 1/2 oz of Vodka on top of the Blue Curacao. The Vodka will add a neutral flavor to the shot and balance out the sweetness of the other ingredients.

Serve and Enjoy

Once all the ingredients have been added, the Brain Hemorrhage Drink is ready to be served. The shot should be consumed in one gulp to experience the full effect of the drink.


The Brain Hemorrhage Drink is not a healthy drink and should be consumed in moderation. The shot contains approximately 150 calories and 14 grams of sugar. It is important to remember that this shot is meant to be consumed as a fun and occasional treat and should not be consumed regularly.


The 1 oz of Peach Schnapps used in the shot contains approximately 64 calories. The 1/2 oz of Blue Curacao contains approximately 45 calories, and the 1/2 oz of Vodka contains approximately 43 calories. The Bailey’s Irish Cream and Grenadine Syrup do not contain any significant calories.


The Brain Hemorrhage Drink contains 14 grams of sugar, which is mostly derived from the Peach Schnapps and Grenadine Syrup. It is important to note that excessive sugar consumption can lead to weight gain and other health problems.


In conclusion, the Brain Hemorrhage Drink is a unique and eye-catching shot that is perfect for parties and special occasions. It is easy to prepare and requires only a few ingredients. However, it is important to drink this shot in moderation as it is high in calories and sugar. If you are a fan of shots and are looking for something new and exciting to try, then the Brain Hemorrhage Drink is definitely worth a try!
Refreshing Calpis Drink Recipe

Refreshing Calpis Drink Recipe



Calpis drink is a popular Japanese beverage that is refreshing and perfect for the hot summer months. It has a unique taste that is a combination of sweet and tangy. The drink is made from fermented milk and has a slightly creamy texture. It is a great alternative to sugary soft drinks and is a healthier option.


To make the calpis drink, you will need the following ingredients: • 2 cups of water • 1 cup of plain yoghurt • 1/2 cup of sugar • 1/4 cup of lemon juice • 1/4 cup of Calpis concentrate • Ice cubes


Here are the steps to make the refreshing calpis drink: 1. In a blender, add 2 cups of water, 1 cup of plain yoghurt, and 1/2 cup of sugar. Blend until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is smooth. 2. Add 1/4 cup of lemon juice and 1/4 cup of Calpis concentrate to the blender. Blend again until everything is well combined. 3. Pour the mixture into a glass jar and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. 4. Once chilled, pour the drink into a glass with ice cubes and serve.


The calpis drink is a healthier option compared to sugary drinks. One serving of the drink (200 ml) contains: • Calories: 120 • Fat: 1 g • Carbohydrates: 26 g • Protein: 3 g

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips to make the perfect calpis drink: • You can adjust the amount of sugar according to your preference. If you want a less sweet drink, reduce the amount of sugar. • The lemon juice adds a tangy flavour to the drink. If you don't like lemon, you can omit it. • If you can't find Calpis concentrate, you can use Calpis powder instead. Mix 1 tablespoon of Calpis powder with 1/4 cup of water to make the concentrate. • You can also add fresh fruit to the drink to give it a fruity flavour. Pineapple and mangoes work well with the calpis drink.


The calpis drink is a refreshing and healthy option for those who want to beat the summer heat. It is easy to make and can be customized according to your taste preferences. With this recipe, you can make your own calpis drink at home and enjoy it anytime.